Every American Should Know of Kivalina, Alaska

At this time last year, I didn’t know about Kivalina either – until I started looking for a photo project.  This 1.9 mile island about 50 miles north of the Arctic Circle is said to be inundated in 10 years due to climate change.  KUOW (NPR Seattle) interviewed me about my visit.  My trip was […]

That Sad Little Twinge

Recently photographed the Cook/Sunkel family last week on the Hood Canal.  As the sun started to set I noticed one of their little girls wrapped in a towel with a very familiar look on her face.  It is about this time in August when you occasionally get that whiff of fall and realize summer is […]

Are We Going to Dairy Queen?

There was nothing more painful for me as a child than having to sit through endless little league games in the summer.  While my father coached, my brothers played, and my mother chatted with other mothers, I roamed the grassy area around the field attempting to ward off boredom.   It never worked, and I usually […]