Two Reasons (reason number one – a freaking kid’s movie)

There are two reasons I wanted to be a photographer/visual storyteller: the first is cinematographer Caleb Deschanel .  Many photographers are influenced by other still photographers.  I was definitely influenced by fellow Hoosiers Peter Turnley and David Turnley, but I did not know of them at the age of 10.  I fell in love with images without words through the cinematography of Caleb Deschanel when I walked out of the theatre in 1978 after seeing The Black Stallion.

I had never seen a movie where the first half was almost without dialogue.  I loved horses, but I left the theater loving film and the power of storytelling without words even more.   I was so in love with it I could barely sleep that night.  I’ve since seen the movie over and over again – even as an adult.  I remember 10 years later melting down into tears over one of the scenes during Christmas break from college.  My brothers turned to me and said “What the hell is wrong with you?”    This scene was/is especially memorable for me. *link below.

The Black Stallion

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  1. Caleb Deschanel is a great artist. Beyond that, I have a feeling that both he and his wife are very good people. The proof in that would be to to watch the manner in which they raised their two children. Neither are “Hollywood,” but seemingly polite and compassionate young ladies. I would suggest a strong and loving family. It is my understanding that they all give donations to Focus Adolescent Services, to help save American children.
    “The Black Stallion.” I had fallen asleep in front on the television many years back. When I awoke I was viewing the most beautiful imagery I had ever seen. At the end on the movie I found out via the credits that it was the Black Stallion and Deschanel had done the work. To make such beautiful work, to be such an artist, to have an eye for such passion and beauty tells me that there is a very good man behind it all.

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